Monday 9 November 2020

The Zoo Affair

Ayiko has a video about a number farm that helped him learn how to count to 20. [We can now count to 100, on a good day!] So, anyway, I got the idea that he might enjoy seeing the animals from the number farm in person [at some point in his life I will have to explain that lions, cheetahs and elephants are not typical farm animals].

 We went to the zoo to quench our thirst for green space. However, unfortunately, for us, there is a cunning lady with a table of toys for sale a few feet from the entrance. You see that helicopter in his hand, that was the end of any lessons on animals – any lessons on anything.

Aleru was thrilled to see the sand. We’ve been to the Port Bell landing site for fish and chips. So, in theory she’s seen the lake before. However, this time, the sand was clean and safe for her to dip her toes in.


At the very least, we discovered a potential venue for birthday parties in the future, when it becomes safe to be happy again! In addition to the assortment of exotic creatures, the Uganda Wildlife Educational Centre has access to a beach, a well equipped playground, swimming pool and green space perfect for picnicking. The restaurant was closed when we were there. However, if the management is the same as it was about 5 years ago, they have excellent fish and chips – whole fish – not the fish fillet of the bazungu. They even have little huts and benches right by the lake that are perfect for small parties and long leisurely lunches. 

We tried to see as many animals as possible – despite Ayiko’s lack of interest. As a result, we weren’t able to try out the entire playground. We had to leave early-ish to make it to a lunch date with cousins who live on Entebbe road. The playground has some free activities like swings, play houses, obstacle courses, trampoline and rocking horses as well as paid activities like motorised rides, quad bike racing.

As we headed out of the zoo, we passed by the cunning toy lady. This time she tried to entice Ayiko with a digger. He, poor thing, thought we could swap toys since he had played enough with the helicopter. Of course there was a tantrum, because of course the toy lady would not swap and we were not about to buy another toy. And, that’s why he’s hiding his face in this photo. Aleru’s wondering what everyone is fussing about.

For now, good bye and good luck

Kiwatule Recreation Centre

  This is an oldie and a goodie. Until recently, the only time I had been to Kiwatule Recreation Centre was in 2003. At the time, I was conv...